Pattani Sequence V Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Pattani Basin (central Gulf of Thailand). Uppermost of the 5 sequences.
[Figure: Map showing the Tertiary basins of Thailand. The solid black lines onshore are the principal rivers draining Northern and Central Thailand and the Khorat Plateau (Morley C. K. &Racey A., 2011, page 224).]
Lithology and Thickness
"The predominant lithologies are unconsolidated claystones, thin sandstones and coals. Coals are low-grade lignites." (Morley and Racey, 2011)
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The base of Sequence V is unconformable on Pattani Sequence IV Fm on seismic reflection data.
Upper contact
Regional extent
Pattani Basin (central Gulf of Thailand); but the succession is similar to adjacent basins (Fig. 10.16 in Morley and Racey, 2011)
Depositional setting
The Upper Miocene marks the onset of transgressive marginal marine deposition.
Additional Information